Koh Samui has a lot to offer, but it’s also a very touristy island. The locals are used to dealing with tourists and they’re friendly, but you may find yourself getting tired of the same old bars and restaurants after a while. If you’re looking for something different, why not learn English in Koh Samui? It’s inexpensive compared to other places in Thailand and has just as good (if not better) quality of life wise. There are plenty of schools that offer courses for all levels at various prices so there really is something for everyone! Whether you’re looking for an intensive program or something less intense like private lessons; we’ve got all the information you need here!

What’s the best way to learn English in Koh Samui?

The best way to learn English in Koh Samui is through a language school. This can be a difficult decision, especially if you are unfamiliar with the different types of schools available and their pros and cons.

There are many language schools on Thailand’s islands, but some are better than others. Before choosing where you want to study English in Thailand, make sure that it offers quality instruction from qualified teachers who have experience teaching foreigners from around the world.

The language school comparison guide!

Which is the best school for me?

If you’re looking to learn English, there are a few things you need to consider. The first is what kind of school is right for you?

School Reviews

There are a lot of schools to choose from and it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. That’s why you have to compile reviews written by real students who have attended courses at these schools in Koh Samui. The reviews are not official reviews, but they offer a good insight into what the school is like and whether or not it will suit your needs.

And we proud to share our rating


School costs and pricing

The cost of studying English in Koh Samui varies widely depending on the school, but most charge per month. Some schools offer discounts for longer courses (e.g., six months) and others have special pricing for students who want to stay longer than a month.

I hope this guide has helped you to find the best school for learning English in Koh Samui. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us!